Rapid improvements in chemical legislation worldwide pose substantial challenges to the companies in terms of adaptation within the Global context. And Turkish authorities keeping track of the ongoing legislative improvements are also willing for national industry to take over and implement them. CRAD offers various solutions to our industry to implement such requirements which many of these are new in full compliance with regulatory obligations, low costs and in an expeditious manner.

Biocidal Product Regulatory Compliance Consultancy& Authorization Dossier Preparation Services:

CRAD provides consultancy support for the whole process from the beginning till the end including the procurement of the authorization.

SDS Authoring Services:

SDS authoring services are provided by our certified staff in accordance with country specific regulation formats ((EU) 453/2010, (EC) 1272/2008 CLP, T.C.27092) in 33 different languages. CRAD offers such a service through a UK based software, SDS-Pro, as a distributor in Turkey and which is currently used by two ministries with the purpose of control for authorization procedures.

SDS-PRO, Chemical Risk Classification and SDS Authoring Software:

Making the correct calculation of hazard classification for your chemical substances/ mixtures authors SDSs and enables your company to draw up SDSs in full compliance with the legislation to which your local and Global clients are tied. And also contributes the regulatory compliance of your product labels. Due to the intention of Turkish implementation of CLP Regulation within short term, SDS-Pro offers its users the ability of easy adaptation.

REACH& CLP Compliance Consultancy/ Only Representative Services:

CRAD aims to lead chemical industry for its compliance with local and global legislations. REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) is the EU regulatory framework aiming to keep the hazards under control which arise from chemical substances within Europe. The REACH Regulation (EC) No.1907/2006 was published on the 18th of December, 2006 and sets out new regulatory obligations with the purpose of control of chemicals throughout the EU. CRAD as an agent company of Cambridge Environmental Assessments which is established in UK as part of ADAS Holding provides Only Representative services as well. CRAD provides support with the industry with regard to fast and up to date information on CLP compliance.

Chemical Inventory and Control Regulation (CICR) Support Services:

On 26 December 2008, Turkey adopted the "Regulation on inventory and control of chemicals" (hereafter the "Turkish Chemical Regulation") which entered into force on 1 January 2009.

This law is inspired by the EU regulation of chemicals and in particular by the REACH Regulation 1907/2006/EC which notably imposes the obligation to notify all existing and new substances, either on their own or in preparation, manufactured or imported in the EU in quantities above 1 tonne per year.

The main principles set out by the Turkish Chemical Regulation are two folds:
First, this Regulation aims at setting up a chemical inventory comprising information relating to new and existing substances manufactured or imported in Turkey. Secondly, this Regulation aims at controlling and eventually reducing the risks posed by existing and new substances manufactured or imported in Turkey.

For that purpose, CRAD offers practical and quick solutions in order to finalize necessary tasks and perform successfully inventory entries.

Compliance and Planning Services on the Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances:
The fires frequently occur due to the chemicals in Turkey and this constitutes the basis of the necessity for compliance with this regulation. A variety of services such as Major Accident Prevention Policy, safety report, internal and external emergency plans has been provided by CRAD following the exact determination of the qualifying quantities (threshold levels) of your facility.

Compliance Services for the Authorization of Plant Protection Products:
SDS authoring, draft label and similar documents generation services. Preparation of authorization and related consultancy services.