What is the Difference Between a Only Representative and a Third Party Representative?
Only Representative is a real or legal person resident in Turkey appointed by a real or legal entity who manufactures a substance, prepares a mixture or produces an article outside Turkey to fulfil the importer obligations within the scope of KKDIK regulation by mutual agreement.
Third Party Representative; Manufacturers, importers or downstream user in Turkey are real or legal entity resident in Turkey, appointed by them to fulfil their obligations such as sharing data and sharing test costs in accordance with the regulation.
When manufacturers, importers or, where necessary, downstream user do not wish to disclose their identity to other participants in fulfilling their obligations under the Regulation, they may choose to appoint a third-party representative. In this case, the identity of the appointed representative will not be disclosed by the Ministry to other manufacturers, importers or downstream users. All communication within the Substance Information Exchange Forum(SIEF) takes place exclusively through a third-party representative.