Example of Material Safety Data Sheet (SDS/MSDS)

Legal regulations taken into account when preparing Safety Data Sheets (SDS/MSDS) may differ between countries or regions. With the Global Harmonization System (GHS), some standards have been introduced for the classification and labelling of chemicals.

In general terms, SDSs are very similar between the European Union region and Türkiye. However, there are unique formats in the American continent and Far Eastern countries.

Legal regulations regarding the format in which SDSs should be prepared;

  • Regulation No. 30105 in Turkey, Annex-2.
  • Regulation No. 29204 has been repealed on January 1, 2024.

In the EU Region, it is regulation numbered 2020/878 is most current form.

CRAD can prepare SDS (MSDS) in the official languages of 40 countries, in accordance with the country's own regulation.